Is Your Monoclonal Antibody Authentic? Confirming Hybridoma Cell Line Identity by IgC cDNA Sequencing
Widespread reports of irreproducibility in health sciences research has prompted the NIH to update new grant application guidelines to include a brief description of methods that will be used to ensure identity and validity of key biological and/or chemical resources used in the proposed study. In this regard there is a significant effort now underway... Read More
Special ICBR Electron Miscroscopy Announcement
The ICBR recently completed several upgrades to the cryoEM facility to enhance the performance of the FEI F20 FEG transmission electron microscope. Specifically, sound dampening walls and a dedicated HVAC system that could deliver sufficient cooling with minimal air current and temperature fluctuations better than +/- 1° F were installed. IFAS and Microbiology and Cell... Read More
ICBR Cytometry Acquires CTAC
In an exciting development for the University of Florida research community, the Cytometry Core at the Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research, or ICBR, is acquiring the McKnight Brain Institute’s Cell & Tissue Analysis Core, or CTAC. After several fruitful discussions, ICBR and MBI leadership recognized an opportunity to provide even more services to drive research.... Read More
ICBR Bioinformatics contributed to a study on Gestational Hypoxia-Induced Cardiac Anomalies
ICBR Bioinformatics contributed to a study on “Mechanism Sharing Between Genetic and Gestational Hypoxia-Induced Cardiac Anomalies” Gestational hypoxia, such as seen in high-altitude pregnancy, has been known to affect cardiac development, yet the incidence and underlying mechanisms are largely unknown.The results of the study provide insights into a common molecular mechanism underlying non-genetic and genetic... Read More
ICBR’s Alberto Riva and MBI look to thwart the effects of time and aging on the brain
Alberto Riva assisted the McKnight Brain Institute in a big methylation study over the past year. The study was published in the Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience journal. The purpose was to determine whether there is a relationship between the decline of cognitive function with aging and epigenetic changes in neurons. The study was performed on rats using a combination of whole-genome... Read More
ICBR’s Bill Farmerie and Alberto Riva contribute to the most cited paper in ISME Journal history
Alberto Riva and Bill Farmerie were co-authors (Eric Triplett was the senior author) on a paper, Pyrosequencing enumerates and contrasts soil microbial diversity (2007). Tripplett’s lab conceived and executed the work. ICBR did the sequencing, and Alberto was responsible for much of the data analysis. This past April, the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal (ISME) recognized... Read More