These 3 instruments are used for sorting only cells and have up to and has 5 lasers (UV, violet, blue, yellow-green, and red) with 17 fluorescence detectors (2 from UV laser, 4 from violet laser, 3 from the blue laser, 5 from the yellow-green laser, 3 from the red laser, and are custom configurable by staff). This instrument uses FACS Diva (Windows 7).

FACSAria IIu/III SORP is specifically designed to sort cells at high flow speeds.  The sorted cells are collected in a variety of vessels the most popular are: 15 ml Falcon tubes for 2-way sort, and 5 ml FACS tubes (Polypropylene, BD Falcon Cat#352063) for 4-way sort, it is also possible to sort into 1.5 ml and 1.0 ml microcentrifuge tubes, 6-,12-,48- and 96-well plates and onto microscope slides. These collection vessels should contain media or buffer and can be cooled.

FACSAria III SORP upgrade coming soon.


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