With the progression of recent events, there are many questions about the impact on ICBR staff. Please see below, the most significant ICBR-related changes. These changes will be in place for the foreseeable future.
As always, check the UF dedicated site for campus-wide information and initiatives.
[Updated: March 24th, 10:00am]
- ICBR leadership continually monitors the guidelines being set by the University on our ability to provide biotechnology support to the UF research community. As of Tuesday, March 24, ICBR is open and accepting samples.
- However, there are many factors that may impact our ability to accommodate all service requests, or complete work on submitted samples as quickly as we would like. Many thanks in advance for your understanding of the situation, your patience, and for your cooperation in the added constraints we have imposed on sample drop-off, self-service and training.
- Please no not hesitate to reach out to us (ICBR-Contactus@ad.ufl.edu) or to individual Cores, with any questions.
Current Policies and Procedures Below:
Remote Work from Home
- All employees working from home must complete and submit the Alternate Work Location Agreement (Abbreviated) before remote work can be initiated. Please have paperwork in place ASAP. For more information, visit: https://hr.ufl.edu/forms-policies/policies-managers/alternate-work-location/
- At least one employee (from every core) must be working from home everyday by Monday 3/23, but sooner is better. More than one employee can work from home, if possible. Please discuss within each Core to maximize the number of members who can work off campus at any given time, understanding that this number can change as customer needs diminish, or as directives from UF administration are modified to meet the situation.
- Core Directors are expected to keep a calendar to track the schedule and location of their staff. This calendar will be provided to UF Research, and is due every Monday by 10am. We understand these are flexible. Try to work with the least amount of staffing on campus as possible while still maintaining core services.
- Be fair and diligent with your staff. Define expected duties for individuals working from home.
- Be creative. Consider work items that do not require a physical presence in the lab (SWOPs, Linkedin Learning, procedures, certifications, virtual training, etc.). What kind of training or even scientific background knowledge would you like to acquire “if only you had the time to invest” – not is the time to explore those opportunities. In the long run, new expertise and scientific understanding can make us even better at supporting and expanding research at UF.
- If sick, ICBR employees can use vacation leave or leave without pay if they have no sick leave, but do not come in sick. If you have questions about your available leave please see Erica or Heather.
- Customer consultations will be conducted by Zoom or by phone until otherwise noted.
Access for Visitors at ICBR
- Anyone outside UF who does not have a Gator1 ID, is considered an ‘outside visitor.’
- Outside visitors have to be approved by UF Research in advance. Email their information directly to ICBR Administration. This includes service contracts and maintenance.
- For large equipment, please contact ICBR Administration and provide:
- Volume/Size
- Vendor Name
- Vendor Address
- People Required to Install Equipment
- Addresses of People Required to Install Equipment
- As of Monday, March 23rd, UF users will likely need to provide their UFID to enable access through the outer doors of the CGRC building. Users are expected to notify the appropriate Core Directors at least a day in advance.
- Be mindful of internal alternatives for some services – if in the past you have called upon an external provider for some job, explore UF resources for comparable options.
Training and Self-Service
- Training is currently suspended for all cores. This restriction also includes operations that require close one-on-one operations between customer and core personnel on the same instrument, such as staff assisted work.
- Self-service for outside visitors (external users) is currently suspended in all cores.
- Self-service users on the first floor of CGRC will be asked to wait inside room CGRC 184 until a representative from the appropriate lab arrives to walk them to their core.
- Self-service will be limited to one user per machine.
Sample Drop-Offs
- FIRST, please look for any updates in the “Access for Visitors to ICBR” section above with regard to restrictions accessing ICBR.
- For sample drop-off on the first floor of CGRC, users will be directed to wait inside CGRC 184. Front desk staff will notify the core and a representative from that core will meet the user in CGRC 184 to collect the sample and direct them back to the front desk.
- Customers are instructed to label all samples with labels that can withstand an ethanol wipe down.
- We are no longer collecting GENEWIZ or Eurofins samples for the foreseeable future, please direct users to the company’s respective websites for other drop-off locations and shipping instructions.
ICBR Emails and ICBR Listservs
- ICBR staff is prohibited from emailing any COVID-related information to any of the ICBR listservs. If you feel the information is important and timely, please email Dr. Paul, Dr. Madore and Heather for approval. If approved, this information will be distributed by ICBR Administration.
- Core Directors are allowed to email information to senior staff, but are encouraged to CC ICBR Administration on all COVID-related messaging.
- Core Directors are responsible for communicating developments to their staff, and be mindful of the fact that UF messaging has been coming into ICBR Administration two-three times a day, so please check e-mail often.
- Share any information impacting our peers, vendors or constituents with ICBR Administration.
- Feel free to communicate delays, obstacles and other news directly to users. For challenges that affect core workflow or users on a much broader level, please contact ICBR Communications and we will upload this information to our dedicated page.
Zoom at ICBR
- Customer consultations will be conducted by Zoom (https://ufl.zoom.us/) or by phone until otherwise noted.
- Zoom is a great tool for connecting with users and staff from anywhere, and should already be installed on all ICBR computers.
- This software not only allows users the ability to video-chat, but the feature of sharing screens doesn’t require a web cam and can be helpful in guidance.