35 events found.
Our Monoclonal Antibody core will host a two day workshop designed for those new to mammalian cell culture or needing a refreshers course on the basics. The workshop includes informal lectures and hands-on experience. The major topics are: maintaining cells (aseptic technique, thawing, counting, expanding, freezing) in culture and troubleshooting (rescuing sick cells and recognizing...
Join us for a Lunch and Learn Seminar hosted by Illumina and the ICBR NextGen DNA Sequencing core. Illumina will be presenting on two exciting new product launches: PIPseq, a low cost, high throughput single-cell assay; and, Illumina Protein Prep, a proteomic assay that utilizes aptamers for identification and quantification of thousands of protein targets...
Join us for a Lunch and Learn Seminar hosted by 10x Genomics and ICBR Gene Expression & Genotyping. The vast complexities of biology require approaches to build a complete picture, starting from single cells to tissues and beyond. At 10x Genomics, we provide single cell, spatial, and in situ technologies that fuel scientific discoveries and...