Leica DM2500

UF | ICBR Cytometry

Leica DM2500

Basic manually controlled upright microscope for fluorescent or brightfield samples mounted on slides. Mercury HBO white light lamp for fluorescence excitation and DAPI, GFP, and Texas Red filter cubes. The system also has a Green/Red (dual band) filter cube for simultaneous two channel visual observation. Additional CFP, YFP, and Cy5 filter cubes are available for this microscope if needed. Objectives: 1.25x dry, 5x dry, 10x dry, 20x dry, 40x dry, 63x water. The microscope is equipped with a QImaging Retiga 4000R monochrome camera for fluorescent pseudo-color or brightfield monochrome imaging. This microscope is not equipped for imaging color brightfield stains. Images are acquired using QCapture Pro 7 software.

Location: CTAC Imaging Suite (MBI LG-164)

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