Leica Stellaris 8 STED/WLL Spectral Confocal Microscope
Confocal (LSCM) – Laser scanning spectral confocal microscope equipped with a variable wavelength White Light Laser (WLL) for fluorescence excitation which may be set to any wavelength from 440 – 790nm. The system is also equipped with a separate 405nm diode laser for working with commonly used DAPI/Hoechst labels. Five emission channels utilizing Leica HyD hybrid detectors with an emission range out to 850nm. Each spectral based (filterless) emission channel is adjustable via the software for wavelength and band width. HyD-X detectors on channels 2 and 4 for FLIM.
STED Super-Resolution – The system is also equipped with Leica’s STED (STimulated Emission Depletion) super-resolution imaging modality, capable of achieving resolution down to the 30nm range. There are two STED depletion lasers (589 & 775nm) to provide for a broad selection of STED capable fluorescent label options.
FLIM (Fluorescence Lifetime IMaging) – Equipped with both the WLL, and two time-sensitive HyD-X detectors, this system may perform FLIM / FALCON (FAst Lifetime CONtrast) based experiments. This technology allows us to assess the lifetime (or ‘decay-rate’) of fluorescent signals.
System Specifications:
Leica DMI8 inverted microscope frame. Motorized XY stage movement. Super-Z Galvo stage insert, OkoLab stage-top incubator for imaging samples in 37°C / 5% CO2 / humidified conditions. 8kHz Resonant Scanner.
Detector Channels: 5 Hybrid Detectors. Three HyD-S, and two HyD-X, in an “S / X / S / X / S” configuration.
Objectives (Standard Configuration): 10x dry, 20x dry, 63x water, 86x water (MotCorr), and 100x oil.
Optional* Objectives: 20x LWD dry, 40x dry, 63x oil (Must be installed by core staff.)
Confocal Excitation Lasers: 405nm (Fixed), and a tunable White Light Laser (WLL) with adjustable output from 440 – 790nm.
STED Depletion Lasers: 589nm and 775nm
Filters (For Confocal Imaging): Filterless spectral detector. Emission band wavelengths are user adjustable from 400 – 850nm via the software.
Filters (For Direct ‘Eyes’ Microscope Observation Only): DAPI-LP, FITC-LP, FITC/TxRed (Dual Band), and TRITC-LP (LP = Long Pass)
Software: Leica LAS-X software with Leica STED, LIGHTNING (deconvolution), FALCON (FLIM), FRAP, FRET, and TauSense application modules.
Location: MBI Room LG-164 (ICBR Cytometry MBI Imaging Suite)
* Optional system configurations must be scheduled with staff in advance, and are only available during regular Mon – Fri (non-Holiday) business hours.
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