Monoclonal Antibody I Core Resources  ///  (352) 273-8040   ///   RRID: SCR_019147


Monoclonal Antibody Guidelines

More details to come.


More details to come.

Acknowledging Monoclonal Antibody

Authorship credit should be given if members of the UF ICBR Monoclonal Antibody staff have provided services or expertise that is critical to a manuscript. Although other circumstances may warrant authorship, authors are those that meet the criteria below:

  • Agrees to be accountable for accuracy and/or integrity of the work and expertise. (In all our work the person executing the work takes the fullest degree of responsibility for accuracy and integrity.)
  • Provides substantial contributions to the experimental design, acquisition and analysis/interpretation of the work.
  • Provides input on drafting of the work (often figures) and approves of the work to be submitted/published. (If a member of the facility has made substantial contributions it is expected that s/he will be given the opportunity to review drafts of manuscripts for accuracy/fidelity and should indicate agreement before a draft is moved forward to publication.)

If a member of UF ICBR Monoclonal Antibody has contributed work to a manuscript, but does not meet the criteria for authorship, the corresponding author should acknowledge the UF ICBR Monoclonal Antibody staff member who provided the data and their contributions should be specified.

These authorship expectations were developed in accordance with several other documents that outline criteria for authorship:

Proposal Support

The primary service of the Monoclonal Antibody core is the development of new mouse monoclonal antibodies. All phases of antibody development are carried out by this laboratory: immunization of mice, fusions, screening (ELISA and western blotting), single cell cloning, mycoplasma testing and isotype determination. Other services include high density in vitro antibody production, purification and labeling of monoclonal antibodies. Assistance is also available for developing immunoassays and for determining antigen: antibody binding constants using the Octet QKe from ForteBio (BioLayer Interferometry).