MALDI Biotyper System

UF | ICBR Monoclonal Antibody


Self Service Available 

The MALDI Biotyper System is a self-use, walk up instrument that harnesses MALDI-TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight) mass spectrometry to swiftly and accurately identify microorganisms through their distinctive proteomic fingerprint. No advanced knowledge of mass spectrometry is required, making microbial identification more accessible and efficient than ever.

The MALDI Biotyper System’s workflow prioritizes efficiency and simplicity. With a straightforward process, users can attain accurate microorganism identifications using minimal input—often just an isolated single colony from a culture plate. The entire operation, from loading to results, takes a mere 20 seconds for most microorganisms (95%). The specialized  Biotypersoftware streamlines spectrum acquisition and matches it against an expansive reference library. The results are presented in an easy-to-understand ‘traffic light’ color scheme, ensuring clarity for users.

Key Features of the MALDI Biotyper System:

  • PRECISION: Offers accuracy on par with Nucleic Acid Sequencing for reliable identification.
  • RAPIDITY: Eliminates prolonged waits, delivering immediate results compared to traditional methods.
  • ECONOMICAL: Provides high-quality results on a budget without sacrificing user experience.
  • ACCESSIBILITY: An intuitive benchtop system requiring no prior expertise in mass spectrometry.
  • ADAPTABILITY: A unified workflow that covers bacteria, yeast, and molds.
  • ADVANCED SOFTWARE: The MBT Compass HT software allows the analysis of up to 95 isolates along with a QC sample, producing a detailed report in approximately 5 minutes.

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