News & Announcements

The latest biotechnology and research news from the UF | ICBR community


Help ICBR Grow in Ten Quick Questions!

We want to hear about your experience working with UF ICBR. What do you like? How can we improve? We want to hear from you. For your convenience, we kept our survey to ten quick questions. This is your opportunity to help us continue our quest to become the best...
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Instrument Spotlight: Protein Simple Wes

Wes™ lets you separate and analyze proteins by size from 2-440 kDa. He also gets you down to pg-level sensitivity with just 3 µL of starting material. Got a lot of samples and no time? No problem. Wes runs up to 25 samples in 3 hours flat and gives you...
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Instrument Spotlight: PacBio Sequel

GAIN A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW OF GENOMES, TRANSCRIPTOMES, AND EPIGENOMES – Create high-quality whole genome de novo assemblies of eukaryotic organisms – Survey large population cohorts and resolve structural variants – Read full-length transcripts to characterize isoform diversity – Target all variant types across relevant genomic regions – Detect epigenetic modifications...
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Single Cell Genomics on the 10X Genomics Chromium System

The ICBR and UFHCC have partnered in the acquisition of new cutting-edge technology with the capability of analyzing gene structure and gene activity at the single cell level. The Chromium instrument developed by California-based 10X Genomics inc. provides two unique key technologies to the UF research community. In one application,...
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Special ICBR Electron Miscroscopy Announcement

The ICBR recently completed several upgrades to the cryoEM facility to enhance the performance of the FEI F20 FEG transmission electron microscope. Specifically, sound dampening walls and a dedicated HVAC system that could deliver sufficient cooling with minimal air current and temperature fluctuations better than +/- 1° F were installed....
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ICBR Cytometry Acquires CTAC

In an exciting development for the University of Florida research community, the Cytometry Core at the Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research, or ICBR, is acquiring the McKnight Brain Institute’s Cell & Tissue Analysis Core, or CTAC. After several fruitful discussions, ICBR and MBI leadership recognized an opportunity to provide even...
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