NIH’s new program expands the use of AI in research
NIH’s new program expands the use of AI in research
Welcome to From Florida, a podcast that showcases the student success, teaching excellence and groundbreaking research taking place at the University of Florida.
The National Institutes of Health announced this fall a new program to expand the use of artificial intelligence in biomedical and behavioral research. In this episode, Azra Bihorac and Barbara Evans discuss the program and the University of Florida’s involvement. Produced by Nicci Brown, Brooke Adams, James Sullivan and Emma Richards. Original music by Daniel Townsend, a doctoral candidate in music composition in the College of the Arts.

Azra Bihorac is the Director of the Intelligent Critical Care Center and Senior Associate Dean for Research in the College of Medicine. Photo Credit: Azra Bihorac.
Nicci Brown: The National Institutes of Health announced this fall a new program to expand the use of artificial intelligence in biomedical and behavioral research. The program is called Bridge2AI and NIH plans to invest $130 million over the next four years, with the hope of generating tools, resources and rich data about how best to use AI to improve research and, in so doing, healthcare. The University of Florida is one of the institutions participating in this exciting program. And we’re going to hear today about what UF’s role is, who’s on the team and how they’re approaching their assignment. Our guests today are Azra Bihorac and Barbara Evans. Azra is the Director of the Intelligent Critical Care Center and Senior Associate Dean for Research in the College of Medicine. Barbara is the Steven C. O’Connell Chair in the Levin College of Law and holds a joint appointment as a professor in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Welcome, Azra and Barbara.