News & Announcements

The latest biotechnology and research news from the UF | ICBR community


Ant queens control insulin to boost lifespan, reproduction

Ant queens control insulin to boost lifespan, reproduction Eric Hamilton In most of the animal world, there’s a sad trade-off to make: The more babies you have, the shorter you live. But ants buck the system. The queens — the only individuals in a nest that reproduce — also live...
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ICBR’s Dr. Anna-Lisa Paul Recognized at ISSR&D 2022

ICBR’s Dr. Anna-Lisa Paul Recognized at ISSR&D 2022 ICBR Director Dr. Anna-Lisa Paul was recognized at this past July’s International Space Station Research & Development Conference, and received  the 2022 International Space “Compelling Results Award” for groundbreaking contributions to plant space biology. “I am very honored to have the contributions...
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Are Shark Attacks on the Rise this Summer?

Are Shark Attacks on the Rise this Summer? Karen Dooley Based on news accounts, it may seem there are more shark sightings — and attacks — than usual along the northeastern shores of the United States, but a University of Florida shark expert says that’s a misleading perception. “Every summer,...
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UF researchers discover new way to inhibit virus that causes COVID-19

UF researchers discover new way to inhibit virus that causes COVID-19 Doug Bennett When the virus that causes COVID-19 enters the body, it hijacks cellular proteins and suppresses the human inflammatory response, allowing the virus to spread. University of Florida researchers have discovered a novel way in the lab to...
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Ultrasonic bat defenses are widespread in moths

Ultrasonic bat defenses are widespread in moths Jerald Pinson While a clear night sky might seem quiet and peaceful to us, empty of everything but stars, this nocturnal world is filled with a high-pitched cacophony of sound just beyond our ability to hear. Bats pierce the shadows with ultrasonic pulses...
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How Florida researchers are using UF’s supercomputer

How Florida researchers are using UF’s supercomputer Blake Trauschke High-impact research is in full swing on the University of Florida’s powerful supercomputer, with faculty and students from across the State University System using HiPerGator ⁠— one of the smartest machines in the world — to advance critical work in areas...
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Using AI, UF startup companies boost ailing citrus industry

Using AI, UF startup companies boost ailing citrus industry Sara Dagen As news broke that Florida’s citrus industry ended this year’s growing season with its lowest production in eight decades, an unlikely union has formed between two University of Florida startup companies to help reverse the trend. By combining expertise...
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Heatstroke’s long-term damage to the body

Heatstroke’s long-term damage to the body Eric Hamilton This summer, huge swaths of the U.S. have already faced record-breaking heat waves. Heat kills more people than any other extreme weather event, and deadly heat waves are getting longer and hotter as the climate warms. Staying cool – and informed – is essential. So we...
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